The School Counseling Center

The social justice mantra of the 21st century is to ensure all students are career and college ready. The Education Trust, The American School counselor Association and the National center for School Counselor Advocacy charge us with advocating for systemic change, teaming and collaborating with principals, faculty, staff, parents, and community, using leadership skills to create change, creating pathways to postsecondary opportunities, raising expectations for and of students, and designing and implementing comprehensive data-driven school counseling programs that contribute to the academic success of all students.

This web site is for School Counselors, Counselor Educators, School District Supervisors of Counseling, and State Department Supervisors of Counseling who want to:
- Know more about the new vision of school counseling;
- Use data to be a social justice advocate to ensure under served and underrepresented students are receiving a quality education;
- Learn more about school counselor accountability and MEASURE;
- Examine your practice as you make your way to fully implementing a comprehensive school counseling program;
- Develop a better understanding of the legal and ethical issues of working with minors in schools
Welcome to The School Counseling Center, a collaboration of national and internationally recognized professionals, who are dedicated to building every school counselor’s to become leaders, social justices advocates, and deliver data driven and accountable comprehensive programs. .